Tricking the body into working out......
By Laurie Towers
Shouldn’t be the case but it sometimes is. Those of us who view working out as our "drug of choice" happily find our way into the gym without prodding, coaxing or gunpoint. The rest of the population has to find tricks to get through their training without coming up with reasons to stop before they have started.
The first brilliant trick that was put into place was to adopt the "training partner" ideology. As we are social creatures, nothing is better than having camaraderie, as incentive. This helps us create a challenge factor as well, as our egos step in to force us to "keep up with the Joneses", or possibly even one up them in a friendly arena.
Muscle isolation has to be a factor in a work out, as there is no other way to use that muscle correctly, effectively, and without assisting with other well meaning muscle groups. Focus and applied visualization on that muscle, keeps the person one with the movement and allows that specific muscle to do the bulk of the work without interference or support that would reduce the benefits of the movement by a huge margin.
"Cardio daydreaming" is certainly a lot safer than if you would attempt it while working out anaerobically where form and precision are paramount. Ipods sales are always said to surge during moths where gym memberships peak (post holiday..) as well as summer months . As your mind doesn't need to concern it self with much else but endurance, it can easily fall victim to boredom and the desire to cut the activity short increases. Walk into any gym, in the world and there cardio room has a television or two set up in clear view for its membership to access. The more elaborate will also have landscape scenes on the boards of their stationary bikes. Even with that, a majority of the population would rather partake in cardio activity outside the gym , as it certainly does encourage the possibility of stimulus and social exchange, allowing our benefit rich workout to happen, without us even knowing it......
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